What is 5-2-1 Pick?

Do you regularly spend a lot of time picking a place to eat? Does your party regularly veto your suggestions, leading to endless debate? No more! 5-2-1 is the fun way to pick your next outing.

Hate to pick?

Are you type of person who doesn't want to pick a place to go? Are you scared to be blamed for bad pick? You can now use 5-2-1 Pick to split responsibility with friend or friends

Time saver

When you use 5-2-1 pick you don't need to stand outside for long hours and pick places to go

Enjoy your time

Focus on your friends and family, not at places to go.


You can access us anywhere any time.

Easy to use

Just pick 5 places.

Make Lists

No sign up needed, make it, share it - enjoy it.

Get Started

Be cool man!

Random Dine Out

Be cool man!

